Imgur is not only for geeks

Created by a college kid in 2009, and launched on Reddit with no corporate funding, Imgur soon became popular on a large scale and as some have noticed the untapped potential in it for brands once they’re ready to offer appreciated content for users.

Imgur is not only for geeks

Looking for millenial male’s purchasing power?
The platform is no longer a hotbed of nerds, with time it evolved into a booming social network holding particular value for clients who are reaching out to millennial men. Seventy percent of Imgurians identify as male, and are four times more likely than the average web user to be in the millennial age bracket of 18 to 34. Skeptical of marketing, this group wielding $200 billion of direct buying power, has been a notoriously elusive target for advertisers. Their average engagement time of 25 seconds per sponsored post, and a click-through rate approaching 1% - exceeding that of standard banner ads - is a dream of every marketer.
Unlike some platforms such as Pinterest, which aren't conducive to back-and-forth dialogues, Imgur users are highly interactive, with the vast majority (over 80%) spending four hours per week on the site. They are vigilant and protective of the site's integrity, thus, any corporate plugging will be explicitly condemned. Here are some other ways brands should behave on Imgur to meet the needs of the community:

Not everyone is a geek, but most Imgur users are.
Develop content and tone to make it fit seamlessly with this intelligent and inquisitive community.

Users don’t like to be interrupted.
That's why a brand shouldn’t come up with overt sales messages. Offer interesting, cultural factoids and nostalgia, rather than promotions and explication. Ask for help whenever it’s needed. Imgur's team wants to help companies connect with their coveted users. Their in-house creative team willingly coordinates with brands, and the site's managers are known to personally reply to informal queries and requests. Imgur's sleeper success is one in which the goal of an ad is not merely to circumnavigate ad blockers, but use thoughtful native advertisement to inspire authentic interaction and enduring loyalty.

